Milk Collection
We have 37 milk collections centers that also serve as customer referral points. We have a fleet of 6 vehicles and a tanker dedicated for milk collection, milk sales and stores supply delivery. Our milk collection coverage is in the entire Limuru subcounty.
Milk grading takes place in all the collection centers and good quality milk is digitally weighed, the farmers gets a printout of the delivered produce and the same is relayed to HQ.
Milk is then bulked into 4 coolers strategically located in our routes awaiting transportation to our plant for processing.
Milk Processing
Our milk is Pasteurized to increase milk safety for the consumer by destroying disease causing microorganisms (pathogens) that may be present in milk and to maintain the quality of milk by destroying spoilage microorganisms and enzymes that contribute to the reduced quality .
Processing of the bulk milk requires first-class raw material and correctly designed process lines in order to attain end products of the highest quality. High standards of hygiene in its handling are strictly adhered so that the valuable constituents are not adversely affected.
Our milk is intended for use directly by consumers. Its taste is as unique as the brand.
Milk marketing
Through bulking, the Co-operative has been able eliminate the challenge of farmers’ exploitation by middlemen and in return reduced the cost of milk marketing and enabled farmers to realize higher returns through provision of a reliable and remunerative outlet for milk.
Extension Education Services
The society has extension officers who are charged with the responsibility of training the small holder farmers on best animal management practices.
We play a major role in empowering our members through training and extension services. Our farmers are trained on climate smart interventions such as how to grow and manage their fodder in order to deal with the changing climatic conditions and to ensure productivity throughout the year.
The cooperative equips the youth and women groups on cost effective silage making who consequently disseminate the knowledge to other members.
Through this, the cooperative creates employment for the youths and women, transfers knowledge to the farmers, ensures sustainability of the environment, increases farmers milk produce and returns due to increased produce.
The Society offers both clinical and surgical services, performed by a fulltime veterinary surgeon. Artificial Insemination services are also offered for better breeds with higher milk yields and adaptable to the climate in our region.
The officers are well trained to offer quality services to the farmers. The Society has ensured that its stocks quality drugs and AI semen. Bulk purchase maintains its prices at an affordable price for the member.
We provide good genetics from both local and international suppliers to our members on credit, recoverable from proceeds of milk deliveries